Goodbye, Double-Chin! Here’s What You Need to Know about Kybella.
- Posted on: Aug 15 2019
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Millions of people are frustrated by fat. The cells that provide us with a bit of cushioning and a few curves have a way of getting out of control. Fat doesn’t play by any rules; it sets up shop where it pleases and, once it does, can be very difficult to eliminate. This is why numerous solutions for problems like submental fullness have been developed. Kybella is a double-chin treatment we are proud to offer to patients of our Sarasota office. Here, we discuss a few details you need to know as you explore how you can get rid of your double-chin once and for all.
The Main Goal is Fat Reduction
The chin and upper neck can be a tricky area to address. Submental fullness can be present in a younger person with good skin elasticity as well as a person whose skin has begun to sag a bit. The elasticity of the skin is an important consideration when addressing submental fullness because Kybella will have no effect on the skin itself. The deoxycholic acid in Kybella is solely focused on fat cells. This acid naturally occurs in the digestive process to help break down dietary fat. It is not concerned with the skin or any other matter, only fat. The fact that Kybella is solely a fat-reducing treatment doesn’t mean you cannot choose this option if your skin does not have good elasticity. Excellent results may be obtained by combining Kybella with a skin-tightening treatment.
Downtime May be More Than Expected
Injectable treatments are typically known as lunchtime procedures because side effects are so mild. After Botox or dermal fillers, most patients can immediately resume normal activities with no indication that they’ve had work done. Kybella isn’t like that. This fat-reducing treatment injects deoxycholic acid into the upper neck where the substance will get absorbed over time. A fair amount of fluid is inserted, so absorption can take a day or two. During this time, the neck may look swollen and will likely feel tender. Patients often schedule their treatment when they can take a few days to stay home and rest.
Results Take Time
Deoxycholic acid is a fat-disruptor. The substance weakens the walls of fat cells so the body can eliminate them. The behind-the-scenes action begins right away, but visible results can take several weeks to become apparent. Furthermore, a series of approximately 3 treatments may be needed to eliminate the desired amount of fat.
You don’t have to live with that double-chin. Call our Sarasota office at (941) 379-6647 to schedule your Kybella consultation.
Posted in: Kybella