Eczema is a common medical skin condition that affects over 31 million people nationwide. It causes discomfort, itching, and inflammation. At American Dermatology Associates, Dr. Jennifer Trent, a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, understands that there are different forms of eczema, each with its own causes and symptoms. She also knows that identifying the specific kind you have… Read More »
Wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, and crow’s feet. We all eventually notice these signs of aging in the mirror. But we don’t necessarily want others to notice them, too. Some of us will seek out plastic surgery, but the idea of a traditional facelift may not sit well with others. The cost, risk, and recovery… Read More »
Nasolabial folds are the lines that develop around the nose and mouth. They begin at each side of the nose, near the nostril, and extend down toward the corners of the mouth. At first, when we see these lines, it is only when we are laughing and smiling. As the skin ages, though, nasolabial folds… Read More »
Forehead lines are a source of worry for many adults. It’s no wonder they call them worry lines! Here, we discuss everything you need to know about this pesky cosmetic concern. Why do We Get Forehead Lines? Lines and wrinkles are attributed to the decline of collagen in the skin. This is part of the… Read More »
What is Maskne? Acne is a problem that affects millions of teens and adults, often without identifiable triggers. We like when we can understand the reason something happens, like acne because then we have some idea how to manage it. In the last 12 months, with people wearing masks much of the time, we’ve seen… Read More »
With most people being so busy these days, one of the common complaints that arises sounds something like this: “I feel like I’m sleeping, but I always look so tired!” No one likes to look tired even if they are, to be honest. We all have life and energy inside of us and we like… Read More »
Most of us grew up seeing the doctor about once a year, sometimes more. Many adults continue this habit as a way of maintaining vital information related to their health and wellness. We see the dentist two times a year, also as a way to stay healthy. What might be easy to overlook is the… Read More »