Laser vein treatment

Who Is a Candidate for Laser Vein Treatment?

Vascular lesions are patches of ruptured blood vessels underneath the skin that may appear purple or red. Some examples include spider veins, hemangiomas, and broken capillaries. They range in size, shape, and color and can be present at birth or begin forming in adulthood. There are different causes based on the type of vascular lesion… Read More »

The optimal and therapeutic pose for legs with varicose veins

Five Ways to Reduce the Risk of Spider Veins

Spider veins may not be a serious health concern. However, they present enough of a cosmetic issue that most people who get them feel frustrated about it. Spider veins are like teeny tiny varicose veins. They form in clusters of blue and purple webs. We most often see them on the calves, ankles, and thighs.… Read More »

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