All You Need to Know About PRF Hair Loss Treatment
- Posted on: Dec 11 2018
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Although there are some basic similarities between platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), there are some crucial differences that make PRF superior for hair restoration.
Both procedures require a blood draw, although PRF requires a lesser amount. PRO is then spun at a higher speed in the centrifuge, which causes the heavier cells in the blood, the stem cells and white blood cells to collect in the bottom part of the test tube, while the platelets and plasma collect in the upper part. The platelets and plasma are collected and injected into the areas of thinning hair.
Research is showing that even higher concentrations of platelets, as well as a concentration of white blood cells and stem cells is a more effective mix. That’s what PRF delivers. To create PRF the blood is spun at a lower speed so that the layers of the blood do not separate out as distinctly. This allows some of the white blood cells and stem cells to remain within the platelet layer, instead of being separated. This gives PRF more healing factors than PRP. Plus, the lower centrifuge speed causes less trauma with the individual cells involved.
Another difference is the final concentration of platelets in PRP and PRF. PRP ends with 2 to 5 times the level of platelets found in normal blood. Higher concentrations are more effective, and PRF contains approximately 10 times the platelet concentration when compared with normal blood.
Also, PRF does not contain any additives, whereas an anticoagulant is used during the processing of the blood when making PRP. Without the anticoagulant, PRF takes the natural fibrinogen within our blood and it is converted to fibrin by thrombin in the early stages of clot formation. This creates a spongy fibrin matrix that activates the platelets that acts as a scaffolding to keep the growth factors and stem cells in the area they are injected, keeping them from diffusing, which can happen with PRP.
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Ideal PRF Hair Restoration Candidate
If you are experiencing hair loss, you’re basically a good candidate for PRF hair restoration with Dr. Trent. However, the growth factors, white blood cells, stem cells, and platelets in the PRF work best when awakening dormant hair follicles. These hair follicles are still healthy and capable of growing hair, but they are spending more and more time in dormant phase. That’s why PRP hair restoration works best when the patient notices early hair loss. Clinically, this is known as androgenic alopecia.
PRP works well for both men and women, especially those in the early stages of hair loss. It also is effective for women with traction alopecia, hair thinning caused by hairstyles that pulled the hair to an extreme degree and inhibited hair growth. It is also a good procedure for people whose hair is thinning but who don’t want to resort to taking medications regularly.
The Hair Regrowth Procedure
Blood is drawn, usually about the same amount as needed for typical lab work. We then place the blood in our PRF centrifuge, which operates at the lower speeds necessary to keep white blood cells and stem cells together with the blood platelets and plasma. The PRF is then ready for injection.
Next we wash your scalp and apply topical anesthesia to reduce any discomfort. We also take photos of the treatment areas for before and after comparisons.
Dr. Trent then injects the PRF into your scalp in the areas of thinning hair. These are shallow injections made about every one half inch. We wipe your hair down and the procedure is complete. You can return immediately to your normal activities or work.
When To Expect Hair Growth
The goal is two-fold. First, the hair follicles need to stop transitioning for longer periods into the dormant/resting phase of the hair growth cycle. Second, thos follicles need to be given the growth factors, stem cells, and platelets to revive them and get them to return to the growth phase.
You’ll first see a marked decrease in hair thinning and shedding. Next, you’ll see real hair growth usually in the first two to three months.
Preparation for PRF Treatments
Dr. Trent will discuss any supplements and other medications you are taking. Any anti-inflammatory medications and certain supplements will need to be stopped, as they can lead to bleeding and bruising.
Otherwise, it’s a good idea to drink plenty of fluids and hydrate fully for the three days prior to your PRF session.
PRF Treatment Aftercare
There isn’t really any recovery. You may take an over-the-counter pain medication if you feel any soreness, but you can shower and wash your hair immediately. Don’t use ice packs on your scalp, as the cold can inhibit the PRF activity. Your scalp may be a little pink or red across the treatment areas for several hours after your session. Dr. Trent usually recommends holding off one to two days with typical hair maintenance, such as blow drying, coloring, curling, etc.
American Dermatology Associates proudly provides patients from Sarasota FL and surrounding areas with PRF Hair Loss Treatment. Contact us at (941) 379-6647 or fill out a Contact Form here.
Posted in: Hair Loss Treatment