Adventurous or Not, Here are Some Treatments Worth Trying!
- Posted on: Feb 15 2017
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If we were to ask you about your skin and the aesthetic concerns you have, you might mention a few. If we asked what you do on a regular basis to care for your skin, chances are your routine may not have changed much over the years. Perhaps you would admit that you don’t even have what you would describe as a routine (unless washing your face in the shower counts). We are moving into this new year with an eye for adventure! Here, we will share with you a few of the treatments that are worth trying, regardless of where you stand in your journey through aging gracefully.
BBL Forever Young™
If this were the one change you made in your skin care this year, it would be a great one! This broadband light treatment developed by Sciton is suitable for patients of all ages because it acts on gene expression beneath the skin. That means that your BBL treatments are working for you all the time without you having to do anything special outside of schedule a few sessions each year. And why wouldn’t you? Studies show that, over time, the cumulative effect of broad-band light treatments dramatically slow the progression of age-related skin problems.
Liquid Facelift
Why get a little Botox here and a little Juvéderm there when you can consult with your experienced Sarasota dermatologist for full-on facial rejuvenation using the right products and right technique for your unique facial structure? The liquid facelift process is just as it sounds; it is a customized approach to refreshing your facial aesthetic so you can look years younger.
Skin Cancer Screening
Getting your skin checked by a trained dermatologist can do a lot for your health – and also for your peace of mind. During your annual exam, we review how to perform self-exams at home so you can stay on top of any changes in your skin, should they occur. Also, the lighting and instruments that are used by your dermatologist magnify and clarify the visual field, so abnormalities are more easily identified. Living in a sunny region of the country, we all owe it to ourselves to be vigilant about skin cancer prevention and detection.
The team at American Dermatology Associates is here to support you in dermatologic health and radiant beauty. Call us at (941) 379-6647.
Posted in: Facial Rejuvenation